These are possible questions and our answers. Please personalize your own story for greater impact.
Find your legislators here. Go to Contact. Choose:
1. Comment.
WE ARE IN JEOPARDY OF LOSING OUR HOME! Please sponsor a bill to #FixProp19 and help us update Proposition 19 (2020), the death tax that’s bleeding the working and middle class dry. Prop 19 has been devastating to my family and we’re desperately trying to hold on! Reinstate Prop 58 & 193 to roll back the assessment value of inherited property to pre-Prop 19 values. We’d like to keep the portability aspects of Prop 19 but update the massive financial burden this law is causing and roll back the property tax rate to pre-Prop 19 level.
Then we need you to also schedule a meeting. One or more of us can go with you.
2. Scheduling Request. There are 3 options: in person, virtual, and event.
A. Meeting Request We are asking for an “In-Person” meeting to discuss our wants.
Meeting Date/Time & Location
Preferred Location of Meeting:
PROS may be a better chance to meet with your Rep.
CONS would it be very hard on you if you have driven for hours and still didn't meet with them? May only speak with an Aide.
PROS easier for you to stay local.
CONS may only speak with an Aide.
Attach Background Information Info, Agendas, Speaking Points etc.
Additional Comments: Don’t know how many people coming to meeting can update then. Put our link:
B. Virtual Request
C. Event at a physical location.
3. Follow up your request.
Research Your Representative
Prepare your presentation
Before the Meeting Citizens' Guide TAB learn how a Bill becomes a Law.
Website Warning. Use content at one's own risk. We will not be held liable or responsible for use of site or any damages suffered as a result of content. Not responsible for Google translation. Please check with a native speaker. Copyright©2025 Working Families for Repeal The Death Tax. All Rights Reserved. Nonpartisan All Volunteers.