Grassroots nonpartisan volunteers working to #FixProp19, to reinstate Proposition 58 which provided tax protection on inherited property, by placing this initiative on the CA ballot. Many homeowners, renters and small business owners cannot afford new Prop 19 taxes. Owners may have to sell, or increase rents to pass on tax hikes.
Mothers who want their children to have a home.
School teachers, some retired, that want to live in the community they serve.
Disable seniors with limited income trying to stay housed.
Landlords trying to keep the rent down on their tenants - some longterm and elderly.
Renters sho want to keep their rent low with a Mom and Pop landlord.
Citizens trying to keep workers near their work and in their homes.
Family caregivers who gave up career/income, now face having to sell their home.
Retirees on limited incomes.
Parents of disabled children who need to ensure their children have housing and care when they are gone.
Low and middle income Californians who will struggle with a huge increase in property taxes.
Your neighbors who want to stay in your community.
If you'd like to become involved please sign up.
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