Please sign up with the Sponsor. If they get 1M "sign up for updates" they may start a 3rd campaign to get #FixProp19 on the CA ballot. In the meantime study how to fill out a petition so you're ready.
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Volunteers = Signatures. Actions you can do right now! Complete our form to volunteer and/or to keep up with Fix Prop 19 activities.
EVENTS. Hold signs, banners, draw attention with media crew. We will need volunteers to help out at tables to get signatures. For the loud ones, they can use megaphone and make announcements that people are welcome to come sign the petition to help Repeal the Death Tax. For the shy ones, they can help explain how to fill out the form and where to sign their name. Let’s try to have two or more tables out every week. Two volunteers per table at different street corners.
Website Warning. Use content at one's own risk. We will not be held liable or responsible for use of site or any damages suffered as a result of content. Not responsible for Google translation. Please check with a native speaker. Copyright©2025 Working Families for Repeal The Death Tax. All Rights Reserved. Non-partisan All Volunteers.