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On February 20, 2024, the Howard Jarvis Tax Association (HJTA) announced that the Fix Prop 19 to Repeal the Death Tax campaign got about 560,000 petitions. All petitions were mailed to HJTA, who also did the official count.
While we didn't get the roughly 875,000 needed to get this on the 2024 General Election Ballot, we got nearly 40% more than in 2022, when about 402,000 petitions were collected. Our fight continues!
See our Supporters and News sections for more information on Prop 19 and the activities our Volunteers have championed.
We are awaiting announcement as to next steps from the Sponsor.
Thank you to everyone who participated by providing signatures, volunteering time or donating to the campaign!
Howard Jarvis took 5 consecutive times to get Prop 13 on a June Ballot when every homeowner was being affected and "angry."
With Prop 19 many are made aware upon the passing of a loved one. Thanks to our Legislators (2011 SB202) we are limited to a General Ballot (November) every 2 years.
Right now we have significant opposition to the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act (TPA) which would give/reinforce voters rights to vote on taxation.
Everyone should be "mad as hell" and ready for a new Tax Revolt like in Jarvis' time, at the founding of our nation, and various other points in time.
In order for a tax revolt to happen we need Citizen Activists/Volunteers involved in various different ways. After announcement of the petitions closure, comments were made that this campaign was more organized and visible than the first despite challenges. That is thanks to growth of an active volunteer base and all of our volunteer involvement. Key to placement on the ballot is awareness. We need to keep educating. Please ask others to volunteer at least to keep informed.
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Copyright © 2025 Working Families for Repeal The Death Tax - All Rights Reserved. Non-partisan All Volunteer Group.